Monday, December 05, 2005

I am sure that I have read "An Elegy Wrote in a Country Church Yard" before. The reason I say this is because even though I think I read it quite some time ago, it left quite an impression on me. There is just a mood in this poem that is very resonant. I find that the imagery used in the poem is very potent. I especially love the night time conjures up the feel of a lonely, still evening perfectly. I especially like that line "The moping Owl does to the moon complain". Very haunting.

I also enjoyed Collins' "Ode to Fear". But this is probably due to the fact that I have always had a liking for anything dark or slightly gothic. This poem actually reminded me very much of Edgar Allen Poe's work. In fact, I could easily imagine Vincent Price reading this poem. :) On the subject of fear, I think we are all controlled by fear to one degree or another. I think the poem does a great job of capturing the intense paralysis that fear can induce: "Ah Fear! Ah frantic Fear! I see, I see Thee near". Brilliant.

I also thought that the excerpt from More's "Sensibility" was interesting. I especially found this part intriguing: "He, scorning life's low duties to attend, Writes odes on friendship, while he cheats his friend". I find it fascinating that quite often (in literature and in real life, it seems) that people are frequently contradicting themselves. I have always found that this sort of duality makes for great drama in a story.


Blogger Lucy said...

Gary thank you for this great post. As you noticed in my presentation, you touched on some very important points re the Grave Yard Poets or as I like to call them, The Boneyard Boys.

I have created a post on Vincent Price you may want to check out. Hope you enjoy it.

Finally, I hope you continue to Blog as I have found your posts very interesting and well thought out. Good luck with your future studies.

4:03 PM  
Blogger Gary F said...

Hi Lucy. Thanks for your nice comment. I wish you success in your future studies. Happy holidays!

11:16 AM  

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