Thursday, November 17, 2005

Maybe I'm crazy, but over the past while I've been thinking a lot about our conversations in class regarding "Gulliver's Travels". I was especially fascinated by our discussions of his "insanity". Frequently, it was brought up that Gulliver spent much of the later part of the book talking with his horses. But I really have to wonder....does this qualify him as insane?

First of all, I must admit that I have always questioned my own sanity, so maybe much of what I'm about to say is nonsense.

I have never met anyone who never spoke to their pet. I know that I myself have spent a great deal of time speaking to the various cats and dogs that I have had as pets over the years. And I know from my own personal observations that I'm not the only person who does this. I see people talking to their pets all the time. I think this is perfectly normal.

One dimension that I got from reading "Gulliver's Travels" is that animals are portrayed as being more civil and more rational than humans. Frequently, humans are portrayed as barbaric, senseless, and violent, whereas animals are noble. I think Swift probably had more faith in animals, since they do tend to accept without prejudice. Therefore, having Gulliver speaking to his horses at the end of the book seems perfectly natural to me.

I am hesitant to label this as "insane" behaviour.


Blogger Amanda said...

Good post. I agree. I think it is kind of rediculous to clasify him as insane simply because of what he wrote about within a book. Look at some of the authors out there who write about the creepiest situations... it's entertainment. Thats it. However, in Swifts case, not so much entertainment as trying to get a point across and poke fun at the government.

And you're right! Who -doesn't- talk to their pets? Everyone does it. I do it. And if I find myself waking up before one of my parents leave for work in the morning, I can hear them talking to my cat as well, which is hilarious because they claim to hate her... but they're good friends when no one is around haha.

Anyway... I don't think Swift is insane haha.

5:51 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

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5:52 AM  
Blogger Miriam Jones said...

But what about someone who talked only to their pets?

8:42 AM  
Blogger Gary F said...

"But what about someone who talked only to their pets?"

I would say they probably lead a very contented life. :)

8:40 PM  

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